Health and Sanitation Policy
All adults and children over 2 years of age are required to wear masks in our spaces. We will offer frequent outdoor mask breaks for the children so be sure to send outdoor gear for our cold days.
Children will remain in their classrooms and will not share any materials and outdoor or restroom times with children not in their learning group.
Sharing food is not permitted.
Sheets and blankets for rest time will be kept in sealed bags in each child's cubby. Cots will be individually labeled and sanitized after each use. All naptime belongings go home on weekends to be laundered. Children may not sleep with masks on therefore, cots will be positioned at least 6 feet apart and children will lie alternating head-to-toe.
All parent-teacher communication is entirely electronic and in real time.
We practice healthy hygiene and handwashing and have hand sanitizer available for all children and faculty at all times.
Faculty will continue to wear gloves when assisting a child with self care such as cleaning faces after meals and during snacks and meals.
All faculty and children who enter the building are temperature checked, required to wash hands and to complete a COVID 19 screening questionnaire. Parents must complete the screening before dropping off each day
Restrooms are sanitized between each use.
Classroom materials are sanitized throughout the day as well as at the end of the day.
All of our classrooms have direct access to the outdoors allowing parents to drop off at the exterior door of the classroom each day to minimize the amount of people in our facility each day.
Classroom windows are left ajar near the ceilings in our classrooms for fresh air circulation.
When weather allows, we will enjoy our family provided snacks and meals outdoors.
We go outdoors in all types of weather for fresh air, even if just for a few minutes. We have covered walkways allowing us fresh air even on rainy days.
If anyone associated with Livingston Academy tests positive for COVID 19, we will follow the guidance of our local health department and the NJ Department of Children and Families.